8 may 31:51.51N 46:04.21W

Sun 8 May 2011 20:10

Lazy Sunday afternoon, or not???

The Sunday started in normal at sea fashion, the electrics were playing up and I was woken by the crew at 0400 just as I had gone to bed after a night watch.   After calling Lutz for advice and turned the boat completely upside down pulling cables, fuses and battery wires I eventually fell into my bunk at 10 in the morning.

Carl and Genevieve have worked with the repair of the tack strop on the Geneoa for two days and are doing a grand job; I was just told that it should be ready in a few hours.  If the weather and the day light permits we will set the sail this evening otherwise it will have to wait until tomorrow.

Anton made a carrot cake this afternoon, the result was tasty but the cake looked a bit funny as the boat is leaning and so is the cake.  We all enjoyed a piece of the delight with the afternoon tea.  Giancarlo took the opportunity do some laundry on deck, as he finished he through a bucket of water he had used for the task along the deck... to tidy up. Unfortunately the galley window was open, and you guessed, half of the carrot cake was just inside.  We now have half of a slightly salty and soggy desert to look forward to.

We are progressing well going in the right direction; the distance to the intended route has greatly increased as we have been forced off track due to the low pressure systems.  Our destination has changed and we will not be going to Horta instead we are aiming for Sao Miguel one of the larger islands in the Azores and better positioned for our current route.  We are hoping that by the middle of next week the systems will provide us with a more southerly wind to provide the lift we require to head north to the Azores, failing this we will continue on this latitude and head for Madeira instead.  In either case the final destination is Lisbon.

We are all well.
