Day Three 42:08N; 23:06W Sunshine and light winds

Scherzo AZAB 2015
Fri 26 Jun 2015 23:43
Day three sees us 363 miles from the start and at noon today another 875miles to go to The Lizard, i.e an average of 120 miles per day for these three days, some 45 miles per day (or 2 knots) slower than we had been used to.  

Today, however, we had a lovely time enjoying the sunshine, a shower and plenty of sail changing to catch every breath of wind, so this gentle sailing is rather nice.  On our picture post last night we reported a whale close by - as yet today no friends have popped up lo look on.

Meals have reached a pretty good standard - last night’s Azores stew with steak, aubergine, carrots and tomatoes was delicious and is appearing again this evening by popular demand - although we will need to eke out our supplies at this rate of progress lest the wind keeps at bay!

E & H

Kew Gardens eat your heart out.  Banana crop doing well