The Final Night

Rich's 2025 World ARC PatBon Blog
Richard Hurd
Sun 3 Dec 2023 22:57
12:1.36N 60:35.47W

2230 GMT Sunday 3rd Dec 23

Dusk has just fallen on out last night of the ARC+ Atlantic crossing. We’ve got 75NM to go to the finish line off St George’s, the capital of Grenada. We’ve just furled our large Gennaker, as there seems to be a fair amount of squall activity around us, so to prevent damage by sudden wind strength and direction changes, so we’re doing 6 to 7 kts SOG, so about 10 to 12 hours depending on the wind tonight.

The WAGs and shore crew, patiently waiting for us on Grenada are getting excited now, as are the crew whose partners are there are. Poor DB and Mark’s wives had other commitments that prevented them from meeting them, so they are planning to check out the Grenada Yacht Club, then several rum shacks no doubt🤣.

The fishing department had a good 24 hours, with a nice Wahoo and Bonito, followed by a small Yellowfin Tuna. We’ve got these on ice, ready for a wonderful BBQ at the villa tomorrow. Nick however is rueing the one that got away - a monster Dorado! Sadly, after fighting to bring it in for over 45mins and slowing RB down, when it was only a few meters away, it gave one last struggle and it freed itself from the hook, leaving Nick crestfallen!

Had the pleasure of a pod of dolphins join us today - to prove that they do still exist, after yesterdays blog! So lovely as a baby was swimming in perfect rhythm and time with its mum. They are so joyous to watch.

We’ve been finishing off the fresh food, beer, cider and wine and it’s pretty much all gone, so the supermarket hit in Las Palmas nearly 4 weeks ago has served us well. Nick had his last can of cider today and the wine cellar is so depleted, we’re finally onto the rather nasty boxes of wine. Only a few cans of beer left too! I get the feeling that if Patrick, our missing crew member had been on board, we may well have had a ‘dry’ yacht these last few days🫣. We do have a lot of dried and canned foods still, as these were emergency rations, should our freezer or fridge pack up and we lost our fresh and frozen stores. Ah well, they’ll last for the next voyage that RB undertakes - even Ric’s tins of tuna🤣🤣

So the finishing line beckons, but before then, in about 4 or 5 hours we should pick up the lights from Grenada. There are also several other yachts around us, all converging on the southern tip of Grenada, called Prickly Point. They are all part of the ARC+ fleet and while there is friendly rivalry between the yachts, it is just a rally after all. We look forward to a rum punch with them all tomorrow!

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