Night motions, 7 dec, 2225 UTC

Noeluna en route pour Singapour
Matthieu Vermersch
Mon 7 Dec 2009 22:39

Dear All,


Just above 500 miles to go, so eta is probably sometimes Friday if we continue at this very noble pace. It is good that we arrive as we have clearly noticed some changes on board. With the food now reduced to cans&pasta and Matthieu getting more used to handling the boat by himself, Philippe and I are quickly becoming persona non grata, extra mouths to feed, hence our continuous urge to fish. Come is lucky to be family as Matthieu is still talking to him from time to time.

Today, Matthieu and Philippe had their daily attempt at starting the generator and…no luck again.

We are currently going downwind with better established trade winds, so we are running either under spi during daylight or under gennak+ genoa in butterfly at night, nice and cosy. Last night was fairly eventless, so we started looking at some Audiard movies during watches, Les Tontons flingueurs and 100,000 dollars au soleil, with the computer screen outside in the cockpit.

Today, we are very proud to report active fishing activity, with 2 tunas taken simultaneously, each weighting around 4 kgs: they are on the menu tonight, pan fried with olive oil, all you can eat!

We also got escorted by a new type of dolphin, much bigger than the ones we saw before: they really play around by suddenly turning and twisting as they touch the bow: you can feel the mass of muscles and the power they carry: there is a clear feeling of perfection around them, a bit like a fish version of us, really.

We haven’t seen a whale yet but we are unsure if it is a blessing or not: we talked to one boat that had hit one on the side at night and they consider themselves quite lucky not to have broken anything. What is sure is that we really see nothing at night when the moon is behind the clouds. We could run straight into a wall, or fall at the end of the seas and have no clue about it. Statistics are on our side though and the eventuality does not deprive us of any sleep


Noeluna wishes you the best possible night and the sweetest dreams