Blog 29th May 2010

Sat 29 May 2010 13:34
Dewar blog
Noon position 38.09N 36.50W - 164 miles in last 24 hours. Not too bad considering the weather and seas. Interestingly we passed the same lat as long at 0410 this morning. Lat of 37.52N Long of 37.52W
Here we are battened down with the forecast gale blowing outside. Quite comfortable actually though we have taken some big green water on board - one of which washed the danbouy over the side so it inflated. Luckily managed to save it - at least it worked! tho it got tangled with the DuogenThe storm jib at 12 sqmis too big really so we have rolled the main jib down to about 6 sqm and are rocking along at 5.5 knots - virtually bare pole. We dropped the main at 0500hrs with all hands on deck doing a sterling job. See picture taken an hour ago.
The storm (well 35 to 40 knot winds) will probably last till about 1600 hrs today after which we can get the main up I hope. By midnight we will have light winds and will try gently motoring - keeping the engine revs down we should be able to do 5 knots I think without too much vibration of the shaft. Probably it will Tuesday morning in Horta not Monday night
Scrambled eggs and bacon for lunch about to be prepared
AJB 29th May 2010