The final pre-race update from Namaste
22nd November 2008 The final pre-race update from Namaste; the ARC start is now less than 24 hours away! We have taken delivery of our fruit and vegetable order, some 40 Onions, 60 each of Apples, Oranges & Bananas and 100 large green tomatoes. The lady in the shop smiled sweetly and told Peter that you can eat them green. Peter was sold immediately, but time will tell! It’s now just a case of tidying up and finding homes for the fruit and vegetable. Every last nook and cranny has been filled. We also received a Basil plant... Will has been charged with keeping it alive for the duration of the trip. Apparently, there are a few boats who are attempting to do the same; the best looking plant in St Lucia wins a prize. What exactly constitutes a good looking Basil plant?! Sadly I think our plant could be used to provide the definition of ‘the ugliest Basil plant’ – Will has his work cut out! Will, Chloe and I have been under the boat scrubbing away at the hull. The copper bottom has helped to keep the growth down, but as speed is of the essence we felt it worth the effort. Yesterday Skippy took us through the safety brief. It was all going very well, all flares present and correct, the MOB procedures have been discussed and jobs allocated, Chloe is boat medic and Jeremy is in charge of daily rig checks. Midway through the briefing, Paul was demonstrating the deployment of the rescue ladder: ‘The best way to deploy this is by SECURING the fastenings back on to one another and then dropping the end into the water.’ SPLASH!! ‘Oh b*ll* helps if you fix it together properly!’ In the evening, we all went out to the final ARC wine and beer all night ended with Paul having his first late night kebab! There’s a chance it might not be his last as to Paul’s surprise he enjoyed it! Will and I agreed to be the ‘foredeck team’ for the duration of the crossing. Basically, anytime Peter hollers ‘hit the foredeck’, Will and I will spring out on deck and alter the foresails. The yachting jacket got its first official outing too and caused quite a stir (for those who haven’t seen the yachting jacket, it is a blue and white, vertically striped Jaeger blazer – it oozes class, sophistication and wealth – rather like its owner!). Peter has got his eye on it already. Depending on how often he demands that Will & I ‘hit the foredecks’ he might earn a loan of it for the St Lucian arrival celebrations. We will send our next update from the Ocean! Bye for now Ross |