6 Dec - Out of the blue
Moulin Rouge
Philip Barltrop
Thu 9 Dec 2010 13:20
When sitting attentively on night watch, quietly minding
your own business and counting 'Z's whilst at the same time poised to spring
into action to avoid squalls the last thing you expect is to have to deal with
the 'beast of the deep'. Mark was rudely disturbed with a sucker-punch
aerial attack this morning in what can only be described as a violent and
pre-meditated aerial fishy attack.
The 'Beast of the deep' a monster specimen of flying
fish has been described by Mark to approximately 1.5m long and 6lbs in weight
similar to the size of of an Albatross when wings are deployed. Mark
wrestled the beast to the deck on a battle of will before trying to release the
fish back to the wide blue yonder. The fish had other plans and escaped
Mark's grasp on two occasions before finally being released. The threat of
further fish attacks are ever present and we have raised the FAA (fish
attack alert) status to orange.
Subsequent to the attack and trauma, mark was insturcted
to clear up the fishy mess by Philip before they completed their watch.
This action was greatly appreciated by all following watches that