Fri 30 Nov 2007 17:08
24 20N
33 41W
We have been unable to get a satellite connection until this afternoon so our position on the ARC website will be flattering.
Yesterday afternoon and last night we had major squall activity. We are out of it briefly but will be entering another sqaull area this evening. The stars last night were awesome - great view of the milky way and we saw several satellites (they are like planes ie moving, but they dont blink). After one of the squalls we had the nightime equvalent of a rainbow after the moon had come up - a pale milky arc. The vivid rainbow we saw yeasterday had the full spectrum visible - quite beautiful!
Once we clear the squall area which is north of 20N, winds will be much lighter and we will aim to go with the spinnaker 100%. For now it is a matter of prudence and making sure we do not let Murka build a significant lead.
We saw our first flying fish yesterday and have seen quite a few more today.
Everything is well on board - none of us would prefer being in the office! On deck is still wet and today most have been wearing oilskin tops and waterproof shorts. The boat is noticably lighter - I reckon we must have gone through about 150Kg of water and provisions so far. The rice or pasta lunches have not had any demand. By the time we have had a sleep after the 4 - 8 am watch it is 12 noon and we generally just go for the breakfast option - the always tasty bacon and beans. Nobody has wanted any tea or coffee either so our 12 litres of long life milk is also just sitting.
We splashed out on treats today - biltong, toffee eclairs, creamy toffees, ginger biscuits and orange energy drink. We could have been at a picnic!