Wed 28 Nov 2007 17:33
What a glorious day! Blue skies with scattered puffy cumulus. Last night we really seemed to get into our stride. The crew now are into the routines of sailing the boat and we are working the sail changes really well. The next couple of days should see us put in some big mileages - 240+ I hope. But it is not all without our little 'moments'. This morning the helm (anonymity preserved) lost concentration and we a had a little broach which resulted in a small tear to the spinnaker. We took it down, taped the split and the sail has been up and fine since
We had a short visit from porpoises during the night - it is a bit strange that we have not seen any during the day.
We had a couple of boats a few miles from us last night and they dropped out the back door. Now we can see a white sail on the horizon ahead of us and are trying to catch him. It is probably one of the large boats in the cruising division but the sail is a small speck at this distance.
Yesterdays position report put Murka 60nm south of us. We believe that he will have a couple of knots less wind down there so we hope to make some gains on him.
Our treat today was ginger biscuits and blackcurrant energy drink made from powder. Mmmmm, not sure what to say about that!