23 November

Fri 23 Nov 2007 10:22
28 07.6N
15 25.6W
(Las Palmas, Gran Canaria)
Two days left now. We can't wait to get started. There are just a few
trivial bit to do - our painting on the harbour wall of the boat's logo,
sandwich ingredients for our first three days lunches and a final clothes wash.
Chris, Andy and Jo joined us on Wednesday evening and Henry and Folkert fly in
tonight to complete the crew. The 8kg clothing allowance I gave the guys has not
quite been achieved but close enough.
All our issues are resolved. We managed to find a camping gas burner which,
with a little bit of adjustment to our cooking frame, fitted and we have bought
a stock of camping gas bottles.
Tim from Satcom Group did a great job getting our satellite comms data
connection to work and we are now fully functional. He must have spent 20 hours
on the boat and a similar amount corresponding with Iridium, Thrane (the
manufacturers) and our Land Earth Station supplier, Telenor - a fantastic
effort which we really appreciate.
The weather outlook is good with steady breeze likely all the way along the
track - it looks as though we should have a fast passage finishing after 12 and
a bit days without any detours to search for
wind. |