Tanna, Vanuatu

African Innovation
Mon 6 Sep 2010 18:59
The sail from Ongea Levu in Fiji to Tanna in Vanuatu has been awesome. We didn't have to use the motors at all for the entire 691 nm we needed to cover. We enjoyed fairly strong winds the entire time and as a result it felt like we were flying here. The entire trip took a 111.5 hours from when welifted the hook to when we dropped it again, this gave us an average speed of 6.2 knots for the entire trip. This isn't bad considering that we spent the last 18 hours sailing as slow as possible, so that we wouldn't arrive in the middle of the night.
Now we are anchored in Lenakel Bay and will soon head ashore to check in with Customs and Immigration, then we're off to explore this wonderful island ... but first: a proper cowboy breakfast: Eggs, bacon, beans and freshly made bread ... mmmm ... life is good.
- Andreas
19:32.06S 169:15.86E