Slowly, but safely

African Innovation
Thu 13 May 2010 19:35
After having two days where we have virtually flown, Day 10 we did 195 nm and Day 11 looked like:
We logged 180 nm
Our average speed was 7.5 knots
We ran the engines for 5 hours to charge the batteries.
Average wind speed was around 20 knots
At 18:00 yesterday we had 1357 nm to go before we make landfall.
After two great days like that, our speed has noticably slowed down, with lessening wind. Right now we have 1253 nm to go and about 7 1/2 hours left before it's 18:00 and I do our daily average.
All in all we are happy with the progress and hope to make landfall within 9 days ... We'll see. If the winds pick up, it will be faster, if they desert us ... well, we'll have more time to enjoy the sea.
We have definitely settled into a groove and things are going very smotthly onboard with shift-rotation, dinners, food in general, reading and relaxing. Everyone is happy and we are enjoying the sailing.
- Andreas
6:25.74S 118:10.85W