AI Quiz challenge has started

African Innovation
Thu 6 May 2010 20:54
Since leaving Galapaos, our daily averages keep getting better and better.
Day 4:
We logged 135 nm of which 136 brough us closer to Hiva Oa (the current is favorable).
Our average speed was 5.6 knots
We ran the engine for 1 hours.
Average wind speed was around 9 knots
At 18:00 yesterday we had 2510 nm to go before we make landfall.
Right now we have 2365 nm to go, making the last 24 hours our absolute best so far. The wind has been favorable, so favorable in fact that we had to lower the gennaker and just use the genoa.
The African Innovation Quiz Challenge has also been initiated by Topi. We will ritate making the questions. Yesterday he hosted the first quiz and I went away victorious. Today I hosted the quiz and at first Topi and Martin tied for first, but after a tie breaker, Topi took the victory. Tomorrow Martin will host, so it will be exciting to see what the questions will be. We haven't figured out a prize yet, but in the coming 20 days I'm sure we'll think of something appropriate.
We also saw our second shark today. This one was not as big, but was still cruising along at the surface in typical Jaws style, with the dorsal fin skimming through the water. It was a 2 - 2.5 meters long brown shark ... It didn't look very hungry, but swimming was again taken off the schedule.
The weather is gorgeous, but we have a decent swell hitting us on the side, so the ride is a bit bumpy. Nothing too severe though and Jacob still cooked up a very respectable dinner.
We now await nightfall and confirmation that the last 24 hours have been really good.
- Andreas
3:07.35S 99:54.71W