Daily blog. Thursday.

Greetings from the good ship Incisor, Today finds us motor sailing down the coast of Portugal with the sun shining and a flat sea, it's a tough job but someone's got to do it. Jaz is working her magic preparing bacon rolls while the rest of the crew split duties between watch keeping avoiding lobster pots in 100 metres of water and checking the inside of their eyelids. Jonas and Robert are looking a bit bemused studying tonight's menu, Jonas wants to know how many shepherds are in a pie for 8 people. The dolphins and porpoises seem to have disappeared for now. last night was very clear, within a few minutes of the sun going down a full moon appeared over the Portuguese mountains and stayed with us till dawn. The forecast is for settled conditions (code for no wind) for the next day or so meaning we may need a fuel stop before setting off across the open ocean passage of about 750 miles for Las Palmas, Gran Canaria. Derek and Sandra Saunders Windward Sailing Limited Tel 01983 612800 Mobile 07721 942393 Email info {CHANGE TO AT} windwardsailing {DOT} co {DOT} uk Company No 8850208 |