Day 2

Sat 20 Oct 2018 18:54
Hello Everyone, After a quiet night motor sailing and settling in. The dawn brought the dolphins out to play so the day has passed with something other than sea and sky to look at. We have tried out the new Reacher but it’s true to say the crew need some training on the furling aspect!! At 6pm this evening we were 62 miles from Ushant motor sailing at 6.5 knots. We should be with in phone range at around 2.00 o’clock if any of you are still up. The crew are all happy and upbeat and so we head into another night. All the best Incisor Derek and Sandra Saunders Windward Sailing Limited Tel 01983 612800 Mobile 07721 942393 Email info {CHANGE TO AT} windwardsailing {DOT} co {DOT} uk Company No 8850208 |