Incisor Update

Mon 22 Oct 2018 19:19
Apologies for the brief blog, No booker prize winner onboard for this trip!! Crew should be in phone reception distance late tomorrow Kind regards Sandra Blog from boat Wind filled in yesterday lunchtime so put little red A sail up which was good. Tea time wind increased gradually to 20/25 so dropped main and ran all night with heavy 1 average 8 k. speed. Quite rough now sea confused with some big waves but boat handling it well all dry down below. we are now 200 miles from Spain and hope to get to corner midday Tuesday Derek and Sandra Saunders Windward Sailing Limited Tel 01983 612800 Mobile 07721 942393 Email info {CHANGE TO AT} windwardsailing {DOT} co {DOT} uk Company No 8850208 |