Day 3

Sun 21 Oct 2018 18:58
Perfect motoring weather - cloudless skies, zero wind. The boat is surrounded by dolphins. We are plodding along at 5 knots 40 miles SW of Ushant which we rounded in the early hours following the 100 metre contour line to keep us away from the rocks but inside the shipping lanes. We are hoping for better wind overnight and into Monday. In the mean time nothing much to do except consume delicious meals prepared by Jazz, routine minor repair jobs, and try to get a decent photograph of a dolphin - which is harder than it looks. Blog written by Robert Derek and Sandra Saunders Windward Sailing Limited Tel 01983 612800 Mobile 07721 942393 Email info {CHANGE TO AT} windwardsailing {DOT} co {DOT} uk Company No 8850208 |