Gulliver in the Grenadines

Sat 10 Jan 2009 02:49
Gulliver blog from Wallilabou Bay at 13:14.807N 61:16.336W.

Gulliver moored Admiralty Bay, Bequia
Having left Anna and Ollie in Bequia, Gulliver has continued her travels
southwards, with a beautiful evening spent at anchor in a serene (if a little
busy) Tobago Cays. While the photo may look good (though we think it isn't
nearly blue enough!), it pales into insignificance in comparison with the
real thing: a collection of deserted sandy beaches protected behind a reef
complete with turtles and rays. The latter took kindly to Alex, and circled her
mercilously looking for a playmate, while she screamed loudly, perched on Tom's
back where she had jumped as soon as she saw it approaching!
From here, Gulliver made her most southerly Grenadines stop (though we
are assured that she went even further south on the crossing!) in Union Island,
an island which appeared like a bustling metropolis in comparison to our recent
nights in the smaller Grenadines. A sundowner at a tiny bar barely able to fit
us all in, perched on the hillside above the town, gave use views of the boat in
the reef protected harbour and the Palm Island resort opposite the

Tobago Cays
The imminent arrival of the full moon, which has continued to improve the
beauty of our ancorages by night, is signaling our return northwards towards St.
Lucia. So after another brief overnight in Bequia (and dinner in Maria's French
Bistro, complete with locals serenading the ladies at the bar!), we headed back
to St. Vincent today to Wallilabou Bay, once the set of the Pirates of the

Walliabou Water Falls
We arrived early this afternoon after a lovely sail across the Bequia
Channel, to find what looked like a couple of stone buildings on the shore,
infront of a wooden jetty and a few moorings. However, once close the true
nature of this Disney set becomes apparent, as you discover that, what remains
of the dinghy dock is concrete and some splintering chipboard, with the original
building covered simply with a plastic old-worldy facade! A short walk led
us to the local waterfall where the boys enjoyed a leisurely dip and a painful
massage from the falling water.
After a drink ashore Alex's wonders in the galley continued with a chicken
and squash curry before an early start in the morning to head back up to
Marigot Bay for the next crew change on Sunday.

Gulliver moored in Wallilabou Bay this evening