15 hours, 15 mins to the starters gun

Gulliver Log 22.11.2008
19:45 – 15h 15min to the starters gun Since Ed Arrived on the
13th the boat has been a hive of both preparatory and social
activity. All crew have made the journey from the UK, each with familiar
stories of meeting crew members on board easyjet aircraft, whether this be
spotting the give away sailing stash – deck shoes, polo shirt and
sowester (compared to the other tourists with wife beaters and trainers) or
people wishing good luck over the aeroplane intercom, thank you row 29. Stocking up our stores has
provided much entertainment, mangoes, mangoes and more mangoes, we are now the
mango express! Quantifying how much fruit we can eat without it going off has
provided much debate….We will be setting up a Mango Chutney store under
the Gulliver name on the dock in News on the crew is as
follows: Lis has had a string of
persistent followers, in particular a chain of Dutch sailors and she heads the
tally of berth offerings on others boats Zoe ‘Miss
Spillage’ has managed, through a variation of activities, to spill orange
juice, pen and red wine all within 8 hours. Anna has excelled in the
fancy dress costume department not to mention the Baby Jesus carved out of
Walnut shells ? Ed ‘Monkey
boy’ has been scaling the heights of both the masts, the speed of this
can be increased by providing food as an incentive. Mark ‘El Capitano’
has been on the case with ‘Skipper’s briefings’,
‘Nautical lectures’ and ‘Safety briefings’ to name but
a few, however he seems to know everyone as well as he does in Cowes, so we
think most of these have been social calls. Andrew the Gulliver brand
manager has proved an expert in stacking fruit, convincing his school mates
they were right about his original career choice with Tesco. Gulliver is in fine
fettle and has received an abundance of compliments from locals, competitors
and of course the Lis admirers. Other side of the pond
here we come…. |