15 09 266N 31 36 108W

Fair Do's VII, Atlantic 2008....
Professor John Shepherd
Sun 30 Nov 2008 06:07
Morning Chris,
Hope all is well on the South Island, and that it is not too cold after Gran Canaria.
Herewith the met scenario for 30/11/08 (nearly Christmas, and nice and warm)/
Position: 15 09.146N 031 36.356W
Wind direction: 126 (dodgy callibration)
Windspeed : 13Knts
Boatspeed: 8.4 Knts (Port Tack, A3)
Heading: 250 (port tack)
Ranges and history of last 12 - 24 hours:
Direction: 040 - 140 (140 on port and TWD gybes through 50 degrees depending on strenght so heading most reliable source of TWD)
Speed: 10 - 13 KNTS (occasionally a little more). After dark we had pretty cloud driven pressure and saw 18 - 20 knots, which led to a peel to A5 as we are trying to bag A2 after constant 18 KNTS at night, as, we need it in our inventory and find it very hard to steer deeper angles with a big running chute at night in sea. Went back to A2 after prolonged light spell at about 1245 AM.
Heading: gybed for a couple of hours around yesterday lunch (on to port to try and get a better run in to the slack pressure) and maintain our position between the immediate fleet around us (230), gybed back onto starboard (on rhumb for a new imaginary waypoint we have set for mid-atlantic which we think gives us a good route through the driftathon later). On starboard yesterday had about 283 (lower in pressure and right waves) and got let down through the afternoon/evening so we were the new rhumb of 277. With A5 could not get as deep (and with A2 prior to gybe) so had to compromise on keeping south of rhumb a little.
Our present waypoint for getting into driftville is 14 01.144N 040 17.34W - we felt this would skirt us round the edge of the worst, give us a route out south and offer shortest distance across if we get involved and have to sail through it. Would be good to get your thoughts on this.......