370 Miles to Go and Pugwash Goes Up The Mast

Voller Energy / Mark Tilley
Wed 12 Dec 2007 16:34


Wednesday 12th December 2007


370 Miles to Go and Pugwash Goes Up The Mast


Only 370 miles to go! We're all now thinking about what we're looking forward to on arrival. For me it's definately a long hot bath, James is looking forward to getting some clean clothes to wear, George is looking forward to girls and booze - not necesarily in that order - and a razor and shaving foam, Becci is looking forward to church and salad - in that order - and Mark is looking forward to his 32oz steak at the Big Chef resturant, if he manages to get through it all he gets a certificate! James has worked out that all being well we should arrive around 5.45am on Saturday morning. A big full English breakfast all round on arrival I think, with real bacon instead of tinned ham!


We didn't put the lines out yesterday as we'd had dorado two days running and fancied a change. So last night Becci and I put together a bolognaise pasta bake. Considering it was made with wheat free pasta (my fault due to an allergy), tinned mince, a jar of sauce and some odd rubbery cheese we bought in Gran Canaria, it wasn't that bad. Fishing lines are out again today though as we are still after that elusive tuna.


Pugwash has been getting over excited today as well. Despite the windy and rolling conditions he's been up the mast. How very brave, if not a bit reckless.


George is on lunch duty today and is currently mashing the last of our eggs, boiled, into mayonaise for some yummy baguetes which are currently browning quite nicely in the oven.


Two more days to go then.


Til tomorrow.



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