Jonnie Massey
Wed 31 Aug 2022 08:19
41:57.0N 10:52.8W I’ll make this brief as brekkie is about to be served, melon
followed by bacon sanies. Heaven. Takes a lot of beating, a stary night with
dolphins at dawn chasing leaping tuna then bacon cooked by someone else. Life on board is pretty idyllic, excellent food, thank you
Claire and everyone else who cooked fabulous meals. Just interrupted by a feeding bonanza, dolphin everywhere, just
hoping we were not going to be the end of the food chain. Forgot to mention crocodile at dawn, complete with tooth and
bushy eyebrows. Wattie came up into the cockpit exclaiming how good
breakfast smelt but it turned out it was Nick having just had a shower. Love to all Charlotte xx |