BETELGEUSE Friday 25/11/22 DAY 6
21:02.1N 33:17.0W I think we have upset the sea life – no dolphins all day, only the occasional lost bird keeping a wary eye on us from afar. Happily, our friendly flying fish have not deserted us. Charlotte saw far off a whale blowing and taking a quick breath before disappearing into the depths. Head fisherman Will after considerable effort rigged the new deep sea fishing rod complete with shiny rod holder off the stern. Surely every passing Mahi Mahi would show some respect. 30 minutes in the line was being stripped from the reel with an high pitch whine and shouts of ‘fish on’, seconds later all went quiet from reel and crew. It must have been SO big it snapped the line – spinner, trace, lure and all gone (we have spare). With 14-17 knot winds the spinnaker was raised and soon Betelgeuse was flying, smoothing the ride and hopefully increasing our lead over sister ship ‘Impulse’ 18nm behind (promise it’s not a race, just sport!). After a wonderful 5 hours the spinnaker was successfully lowered where upon the pole was found to be missing two out of four rivets at the sheet/guy end and one rivet from the mast end. Maintenance crew Richard and Jonnie swung into action masterfully drilling and riveting while we sailed on. The pole was redeployed on operations with the genoa with little delay. Delicious lunch of pesto gnocchi by Richard and veggie curry
by Pete and Richard post sundowners at six brought a busy day to a calm and jovial
close with attempts to witness the illusive ‘Green Flash’ – maybe tomorrow. Sails
of genoa, staysail and main were set for the night and the new watch pattern seamlessly
accomplished with a steady 18-22knots all night. As dawn broke 5 crew members nervously
watched as a lone figure moved back and forth through Betelgeuse clad only in a
towel and black rubber gloves – What was going on…..! Best wishes to all, Pete |