BETELGEUSE Tuesday 22/11/22 DAY 3 – Mahi Mahi!!

23.17.7 22.44.8W A basket floated
passed, a plastic bag, oh no we’ve caught the bag, hold on….it’s a fish. All hands on deck, gloves to be found, syringe and gin. In
was hauled this beautiful gold and silver 18inch beauty. Tackled by Will and Pete
into a bucket and rather unceremoniously killed with a spinal cord severing and
finished off with a sacrificial shot of gin into its gills. Over the side it went tethered upside down by its tail on
the guard rail. I had visions of a huge shark leaping alongside and gabbing it
back to the ocean. Mahi Mahi for supper. Pete cooked a delicious lunch enjoyed by all. All reefs were
shaken out and the sun continued to shine on us. Just before we slipped our moorings in Las Palmas, as the
excitement and tension were sizzling on deck and in harbour, Pete called us
onto the foredeck. Another group photo I thought, but no. He gently and calmly
gathered us and asked God to be with us and look after us on our passage. He
read Psalm 91. It’s worth looking up. I felt very moved and privileged to be
embarking on this journey with a superb skipper, generous and competent crew
and with God looking out for us and our loved ones. Back to food, after all, that’s the highlight of most days.
Will filleted the little darling. Poor creature had very little flesh on it but
it was cooked to perfection with olive oil and a squeeze of lemon and enjoyed
with our first sundowner as a delicious nibble. It was followed by burgers the likes of which you have never
tasted. Thank you Pete and Will. Hate to admit but team A won the night quiz again!!!!! You
may have guessed Will, Pete and I are in team B. Richard, Claire and yes Jonnie
continue to out wit us. Tonight the quiz is confectionary so we’re bound to
win. Glorious sailing, stonking along at around 8 knots and avoiding
jibes. A few skimming flying fish but as yet no friendly dolphin. Love to all you wonderful supportive people at home .Thank
you. Love Charlotte xxxx |