Sunday Update

47.23.40 6.40.62W Sunday morning started with a scarlet dawn reflecting in the
glassy water. Yesterday was ‘Dolphin Day’ with a magical display of bow surfing.
The dolphins turned on their sides to better see the odd selection of humans
sitting over the bow, cameras in hand. The pod would sometimes dash off and
join the seabirds dipping and diving into a feeding frenzy shoal before racing
back. Middle N-B son suggested “whoops and yells” to encourage tricks – this had
little effect other than waking the sleeping watch. The show gave us lots to see
as we passed to the North of the bleak island of Ushant to try and catch some
wind further West. Evening came with freshening wind and the spinnaker driving
the boat to 10 knots and slightly nervous helmspersons. When Skipper had had
enough excitement and dark was setting in, we had an exciting time on the
foredeck taking it down safely. Hopefully after another couple of weeks the
crew (except for Skipper and Jon) will have finally learned which line goes
outside which. Iron rations again for dinner – canapes and chicken casserole.
We concluded we may not be the fastest spinnaker crew, but we are definitely
the best fed… George |