Hano Island

Astra of Hamble
Jan & Danuta Grieg-Gran
Tue 24 Jul 2012 18:13
56:00.59N  14:50.11E

Tue. Sunny and hot, light SW wind.  Left Karlskrona in the morning and had a pleasant motor 31 miles to Hano Island, a lump of granite with glacial boulder fields.  Tiny guest harbour, where boats were squeezed in to every corner. We had to raft four out, but everyone was so friendly and accommodating.  Big explore of the island, pretty houses with flowers near the harbour, then granite wilderness with a lighthouse on top. Highlight was the English Cemetery from 1810, when the island was a base for the English Navy, who were on naval exercises with the Swedish Navy. (We must have been friends back then!)

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