Day 7 – Vathi, Ithaca
Destination – Vathi, Ithaca N38 22.00 E20 43.10
We left at 10:30 from Ay Eufimia and set sail Vathi on Ithaca. we stopped for a break at Pera Pigadhi aka Raven Rock for a swim, snorkel and lunch. We carried up north on track to Vathi once again. The wind got up to a force 6 and made it very uncomfortable as the bow slammed into the waves, and soaked us as we sat in the cockpit with louise helming. We arrived at a very full Vathi at 15:45 and searched for a suitable shallow mooring spot out of the wind (difficult). We have never seen so many boats of all sizes and models in such a small area sheltered from the wind; ranging from 45ft racers white horses were rolling in still at 21:00 but we seem ok for the night, due to a good anchor hold. This is more than can be said for a family, seemingly new to sailing, on a charter boat swinging wildly in the wind, dangerously close to another French boat. Once settled Cameron set to work colouring in his facemasks, as Alex set off to find ice creams for the family. That night we watched “Meet the fockers”.