Day 2 – Keri, Zakynthos

Matthew Hood
Tue 19 Jul 2011 09:08
Destination - Keri, Zakynthos N37 41.00 E20 50.20
Everyone awoke at 8.30 apart from Oliver and we pulled up anchor; this proved to be more of an event than anyone expected. As Alex pulled up the anchor he discovered that the anchor was crossed with another boat opposite. Matthew and Alex solved the problem using some rope to hoist the chain off the anchor and tie it onto the side of the boat. Louise took Matthew’s instructions too literally and we sped off at full speed out to sea, with the other boats anchor still attached to the boat. This happened as a terrified Italian watched his anchor being dragged out to sea at 6 knots. Before his boat was torn from the key, luckily we heard his very excited shouts and quickly untied his anchor.
We arrived at Keri without any further issues. We then went for a swim on the beach, which was unusually sandy.
After dinner everyone settled down and watched “Nightmare on Elm Street”.