Day 1 - Zakynthos Town, Zakynthos

Destination - Zakynthos Town, Zakynthos N37 46.84 E20 54.91 We didn’t go to bed that night but Cameron and Mum had a little rest. The family climbed into the car at 12.40. The journey was a long three hour drive and everyone had a rest in the car except from Mum who drove. We arrived at the airport at around 03.30 that morning. We were all stiff from the long drive and it was very cold. We managed to get through security and check in without delay and hauled our luggage onto the Easy jet air craft. Again the journey was a long three hour flight. At Zakynthos airport every one sleepily walked down the stairs from the aircraft and onto the shuttle bus which took us to the baggage reclaim. But our luck turned as we realised Cameron was missing. Cameron had seemed to have wandered off as usual. We found him a few minutes later on the other side of the baggage belt. We found a Taxi and drove down to the harbour but the taxi driver didn’t know very much English and Dad tried some of his French out. The man stared confused at him. We managed to find our small beloved yacht Zeus and climbed aboard. Having carried the luggage down we were all a bit bored so Dad, Alex and Cameron went swimming on the beach while Oliver and Mum stayed behind to unpack and to read a book. But the silence was broken as the rest of the gang came back. A couple hours later we went to dinner at IL Primo but Mum stayed behind due to tiredness. After the fabulous meal we headed further along the shore, bought some ice-creams and then walked back to the boat to watch “Rango”. We stayed the night in the harbour. Oliver |