and the engine is back on

Wed 25 May 2011 08:00
Well my predictions yesterday of a good day for sunbathing turned out to be completely wrong - by the time I woke up again at 11 the day had clouded over and from then on it was grey and occasionally rainy.
Mum was a busy bee yesterday morning - by the time I got up she had cleaned all the floors, tidied up the saloon (desperately in need) and baked some bread. We then put the jenny up, went 3 knots, took the jenny down again and turned the engine on. The wind swung round to directly in front of us and never got above 10 knots all day. We now definitely have enough fuel to make Flores however. Our aim is to get to Horta, but if we are running out of fuel or need to avoid bad winds, then Flores is over 100 miles nearer so we could stop there. It's not our initial port of choice because it would still require another overnight sail to get to Horta, plus there is no marina there. And after two weeks at sea we quite like being in a marina!!
Our busy day continued on into the afternoon as Jilli baked brownies and we ate them all immediately. Mum has turned into the cookie monster and is constantly shovelling food into her mouth, it's amazing. A whole packet of my cookies attacked by the cookie monster as well!!!! Then we had roast pork and a pasta salad for dinner. Jilli was obviously not feeling seasick as she decided to spit salad across the cockpit at me - what is wrong with my family?!
More dolphins and we also saw what we thought were two minky whales. I just saw a bank of cloud partially obscured by the rising sun and briefly thought it was land... slightly impossible although it will not be long!