Day 16: Freedom in Antarctica...'Simply Adventure' is alive and well...

South Pole: Solo but Not Alone
Howard Fairbank
Wed 7 Dec 2011 12:05
Hey, ALL your comments are JUST amazing....Thanks, and I can tell you it inspires me to share more in these postings.... I wish I could reply to each, but......!! Just know you are ABSOLUTELY here with me in my thoughtss and mind in the middle of Antarctica. Solo but DEFINITELY not Alone!
If you see my course today on Google Earth, on 'The Diary', you may start wondering whether those compasses are playing games again...! My course today took a 'strange' veer almost direct west, not one for one trying to make it to the South Pole ASAP!
Well my wandering, adventurous, exploring side just took control away from the competitive racer! Absolute Freedom reigned:
I told you about my lovely 'campsite' (yeah space 10a!) last night 'near' the best nunataks I've seen so far. Each time I've passed a nunatak, I've been curious, and almost tempted to detour to go and 'touch' one. Although simple in concept, they do fascinate me, and I wonder if there are crevasse around each peak, as the ice flows around the fixed moutain, on it's way to the sea. Also, I have never been to a continent, and never 'put my foot' on the ground! I've only been on the ice way above the 'ground'! So intrigue has been building!
This morning I woke to a perfect still, warm morning, and as I had my almost, pleasant today, daily pre breakfast loo experience, I gazed in awe at the nunataks, and thought: "You are good on 'schedule' for the Pole, you guys are all telling me to "Rest" and it's the perfect day to go and explore the nunataks." This is the strange mix I have within me, and my Simpy Adventure' life philosophy is designed to accommodate the fast, go for it stuff, but also the, hey it's not so serious, enjoy the now of exploring too...Freedom of choice....I like to think it maximises that, withoutt 'llosing one's way! So....
Over breakfast I worked at my plan: I estimated it would take me 'about an hour' to get there, maybe two, a total 'off course, but spiritually wonderful, deviation to route to the Pole. So, off I went, so happy I didn't have to sell the 'crazy' idea to anyone else, or explain why I stupidly, wanted to 'touch' them...I just made the decision based on what I FELT inside me I just HAD to do....! of the real benefits, or maybe more!
Initially, I was confused as I thought through how I'd pushred for every kilometre towards the Pole, these last few days, and now I was 'wasting' them..Then I thought: "No, it's the TIME, that those hard days have earned for me are now giving me the FREEDOM to explore as I want! This all felt good, and beefore long I was 'locked' on the nunataks, and how lucky I was to be going to 'touch them'!
As I skied along I felt so motivated, and alive, the power of Simply Adventure was pumping through my veins again. At one point I was just overcome by emotions, tears welled up, like a deep spiritual satisfaction. Well...
The further I skied, the more I committed to my goal and it's dream I became, but at the same time the 'big mountain peaks' weren't getting closer at the rate I'd been used to with the littlee sastruggi beacons each day.... Hmm, these nunataks are further than I thought..ok no problem, I REALLY want the experience, so relax, ski whatever it takes, and maybe just write off the day to 'fun and pleasure'! I'd even conjured up the dream of pitching my tent for 'lunch' right next to the cutest one, and stay there overnnight....I'd already chosen it! Well...
I skied for 6.5 hours, 18.8 kilometres, and they hardly got closer! I have NEVER experienced anything like this total inability to judge distance...In fact at sea, which is also a vast 'nothingness', I pride myself on my ability to judge long distances ...But this was new territory, and something had affected my gut feel!
Clearly they did get much closer, and became increasingly spectacular as they did, but my commitment to a worthy goal needed to be 'audited'. I'd skied all this 6.5 h0urs without ONE break...Excitement, and passion fueling me through all fatigue / mental barriers on a normal 'boring' day..Funny hey! My hands were so 'frozen' in clenching the poles, that when I finally stopped on 'the auditors' instruction I could hardly undo my backpack clips, and release my ski bindings. Such was the power of my nunatak dream! I understand many may see this as madness, not understand the fascination, and yes, logically it doesn't make sense, but this is ME, and its about a strange and powerful fire within. Many will relate in your own passion areas to this same 'madness'....
So the meeting with the 'spoil sport', auditor didn't go well: I'd reached the point where although this detour hadn't actually added kilometres to the distance I still have to the Pole, going any further would start doing taking me backwards from yesterday. The views of the mountain range were spectacular, two groups of nunataks, spread over quite a few kilometres (?!). The first being iconic, easily recognisable rocky, but snow peppered, 'tops of jagged, mountain peaks. The other was more like a totaally white ice encrusted table, seemingly standing on the surrounding ice, and almost part of it. Inside me the dream fire was still burning strong, but wheen the auditor asked me how far away they still were, I scarily, honestly could not answer! I estimated not morre than 1/2 an hour ski awway, butt then I loost confidence and thought it maybe still another two hours, I REALLY don't know... Based on that, I decided to I had to 'park' dream and set up tent, with a viiew to maybe expoloring just on my own (no sled and gear) later... So, here I am with a really spectacular 'closeup' view of the best nunataks to date, and its 16h30, and I'm about to decide whether I set out on my own or not....
It's now 20h30, and I'm back from my ski to 'touch the nunataks'! I decided this was a once off lifetime opportunity, and I had to give it all I've got to realisee at least some of ths morning's dream. Well (again!)...
I did 4km and too my utter shock and amazement, I probably did about half the distance to the closest nunatak! This is astounding, there is something wrong! I did think that for two weeks now the highest thing I've seen is my tent! I've been focusing on small distant shimmeriing sastruggi, so maybe I just could no longer reference these significant heeight peak tops. Another contributor could be the very pure, clean atmosphere.... I'm almost embarrassed shharing this faux pax wit you!
Anyway, at the end of the 4km, it did feel real closeup and I gould see one significant glacier squeezed between the two largest nunataks, which was special. In terms of achieving my original excursion goal, I have failed, but the days experiences, including the freedom emotions and spiritual peace, plus the close up views were together ALL worth it. As a bonus I als git to have a speciall 8km cross country ski, without 'my friend' the sled, innthe world's biggest cross country ski park! Don't know where you pay, and wwhy there wwa nobody else here! Gee, 9t was light and fast without 'my friend'!
In this account of my day's seemingly unachieved mission I have found many life lessons, and above all, an adventure into the unknown has risk, and deciding when one is a coward or when it's right to change direction and walk away from a heart felt pursuit, is one of the most diffficult decisions I find in life! The other thing is how we are naturally optimistic, and that gives us hope, dreams, and helps us off our butts, when well thought through 'auditor' rationality will probably keep us locked n our comfort zones!
Oh well, strange posting this one, butt I hope you get something out of it, because hey, this was one WHOLE day of my life!
I've just had my last course of my 7500 calorie (SP) day's food intake, and am off to bed, because:
Back to competitive production tomorrow...