Day 34.9!: I've arrived at the Bottom of the World!

South Pole: Solo but Not Alone
Howard Fairbank
Wed 28 Dec 2011 00:30
I'm HERE at the South Pole, I honestly believe it hasn't hit home yet !!
I'm actually at 90 degrees South, but not sure Google Earth / The Diary can deal with 90 co-ordinates, so the 89 above!
Elevation: 2834
At 11h55 Punta Arenas time (GMT +3) my sled finally came to a halt at it's destination: The South Pole!
It took me almost 6 hours today, in almost 'dream' weather, clear blue sky, not too cold, but that headwind was 'just there' reminding me what yesterday was like... I was thankful that I'd mentally prepared for the fact that it would take six hours to get to the place my mind had almost checked out that 'we' were already there.... It was a pretty relaxing ski, and to my total I spent almost the whole time re-living the two wonderful years I spent in 1984/5 (long time back!) living and working in Princeton, USA. I guess the linkage with the US base here is what triggered the whole thing. Anyway, thanks to that my mind was very relaxed, content with the special memories, and the kilometres sped by! In many ways I was dreading the six hours, as it was so close yet so far, and I was 'scared' how I'd deal with that conflict, and the relief prize awaiting! It's strange how the mind can sometimes take one by surprise.
The approach to the 'complex' is quite strange for what it is...: There is this huge ice road that is virtually an ice highway, maybe 30 metres wide that I'm told runs the whole way from McMurdo base on the coast (opposite side to where I started) to the South Pole. I was given a waypoint that was a flagged beacon sticking 4km out in the middle of nowhere, but a 'T junction' into the highway...Hmmm, back into civilisation, roads, rules, instructions, and man made infrastructure! It did bloody stress me.... I saw where I had to go, started cutting the corner, and then looked back and said: "' Hey you have a very clear sled/ski trail telling 'people' where you went, and it's against the instructions, so there are no disputes here, you had better go back and do it properly!" I didn't, but I did feel I was back in a 'policed' environment! I know this sounds overboard, but I'm sharing with you my genuine reactions after being totally free for 34.9 days!
Anyway, I 'yielded' at the intersection, as there was no 'highway traffic' in sight, turned 90 degree right and was now on the highway myself...4km to go to the finish line....hmmm, still another 80 mins, yet everything looks so close.....but I'm wiser now! It was quite fun, as I skied in a snowmobile trail, straight and fast. Eventually there was a "20 km/h Speed limit" sign, and then a few small tents and another sign: "Campsite"..I was there..well a few hundred metres to the actual South Pole 'point, but this is where me and my friend 'sled' stopped our 'joint' journey.... Forever? We shall see, but at least for 'a long while!' At least we are still good friends 'she' did well the last weeks.
It feels REAL GOOD to know its done, but I DO know I'll miss the simplicity, I can feel it already...
For the moment, I'm enjoying a warmish ALE tent environment (the one of two heaters is not working), a glass or two of good red wine, and RELAXING with a great sense of satisfaction! I'm the only 'guest' here....Scott the new base manager just flew in today, and cooked me a great, salmon (yes, fish), non pemmican, non cheese, dinner...Total luxury, it's hard to explain, but it REALLY is....
I've set up my tent outside and will retire there soon for VERY pleasant dreams..... I'm leaving the alarm to go off at 6am, just to enjoy switching it off, and going back to sleep....
I really look forward to getting the blog comments from after 24/12 soon...