Day 35.5: I'm standing at the South Pole...Mission completed!

South Pole: Solo but Not Alone
Howard Fairbank
Tue 27 Dec 2011 16:52
I'm HERE at the South Pole!!
I'm actually at 90 degrees South, but not sure Google Earth / The Diary can deal with 90 co-ordinattes, so the 89 above!
Elevation: 2834
At 11h55 Punta Arenas time (GMT +3) my sled finally came to a halt at it's destination: The South Pole.
It took me almost 6 hours today, in almost 'dream' weather, clear blue sky, not too cold, but that headwind was 'just there' reminding me what yesterday was like...
It feels REAL GOOD to know its done, but I DO know I'll miss thhe simplicity, I can feel it already... For the moment, I'm going to enjoy a warm ALE tent environment, a glass or two of good red wine, and RELAXING with a great sense of satisfaction! I'm the only 'guest' here....
Anyway, this is just a short, 'Diary only' update to let you know I'm here. More later..!
Thanks again for your AMAZING support..!!