Day 13! The first uneventful!

South Pole: Solo but Not Alone
Howard Fairbank
Mon 5 Dec 2011 06:30
27 kms done today, 588km to go, andd I'm at 1320 metres aother 1500m still to go up!
Today was an Amundsen day:All went according to plan! I'm definitely more of the Robert Falcon Scott type! ..."She'll be alright, and if 'she' isn't 'we' will somehow make a plan to recover". Not that I could ever be compared to these amazing adventurers. December 14, it will be 100 years ago... Tthat blows my mind to think how REALLY hard it must have been...M on knew what to expect, a no one had ver been there...never mind the basic technology...Heroes!
It was good to have a 'quite' day, even the weather responded: After the usual headwiind, by mid morning it was dead still and blue sky, which all made for a relatively warm day.
Repaired Pole is hoolding up, I'm thankfuul everyday
I did pass the crevasse field I was expecting...'rung' after ruung of 5m wide, snow bridged, crevase that streched for maybe 1km. I kept well clear, and didn't need to cross them.
Also saw another nunatak, so impressive, I was very close to making a 'tourist' detour, but decided best to venture on ahead. I think these were the tops of the Thiel mountains.
Having now
I'm having an early night tonight...presume you are all out enjoying yourselves, so ok for me to head to bed?
Talk again tomorrow