The Finale: Ruth and I together again!

South Pole: Solo but Not Alone
Howard Fairbank
Sat 31 Dec 2011 10:48
Still at the Pole!
At 17h15 yesterday, Richard, Ruth and Michael skied into camp, tired after another long day, and I ran out to hug Ruth and give her a unique kiss on her frozen face mask, her eyes hidden behind reflective ski goggles, I could 'hear' the tears in them through the emotion of her voice.. We knew this was a special moment, somehow, roles had been reversed, having the benefit of my two days rest, I felt I had the capacity to help her through this emotional moment, both her huge personal achievement and then our unique South Pole reunion.....
A few hours later we were enjoying a wonderful bonding dinner together, followed by an organised tour of the US South Pole station. From there is was 'a few' nightcaps all on our own in the ALE tent together, sharing our experiences in an intimate way that is only possible by two romantically linked humans!
And with that another adventure chapter closes, but I leave you with one last thought:
Last year this time (Almost new year's eve) I didn't know all the specifics of what adventures I'd be doing in 2011, including this one, but my 2011 life plan included continuing to stay challenged, inspired and living life to the limit of my physical and mental capabilities.....
As it closes, 2011, has been another amazing one, the adventures have 'found me', but not by co-incidence, and I hope that in some small way following this South Pole Solo adventure of mine, opens up your mind and readiness for amazing life adventures to 'find you' in 2012! Adventures to me, go way beyond the very physical, outdoor ones I have chosen, the spirit of adventure runs right through all our endeavors where we set challenging goals, that take us outside our comfort zones, towards our dreams and passions, and in the process require us to dig deep, experience joy, self fulfillment, and sharing with others, that all result in unselfish personal height! Be bold in taking those steps into your own unknown adventure....
All the VERY best for 2012!