
South Island
John and Elspeth Perryman
Tue 8 Jul 2014 14:40
We set off from Kiel just before 4 am with lots of other boats. On the way we experienced all types of weather from a thunderstorm, rain, sun and fog. We had winds from every direction and ranging from nothing to force 5. We motor sailed a lot of it but had some good sails in between. The east wind has certainly picked up today so I think the decision to divert to Ronne on the west of the Island was good. We arrived at about 7:30 this morning and went straight to bed.
We are rafted to the other Rustler in the fishing harbour. We are having a BBQ tonight, going to look at the town tomorrow and a bus tour of the island on Thursday.
The crew dinner on Sunday was very nice and it was interesting to see people from all the boats.
We are looking forward to a whole night's sleep tonight!