So that was the Atlantic.

Malcolm McPherson / Rich Butterworth
Wed 29 Jun 2011 08:12
Position 36:52:1N
Hello again. Serious fun has
been had in the past 36 hours.
The Atlantic gave us a good send
off with winds of up to 40 knots, 5 metre waves and a top speed of 12.6
knots. It has been great to experience some real sailing
again. We have all have been grinning like Cheshire cats even
though we have been getting soaked by spray.
However, all good things must
come to an end and we are now sailing with a much more sensible
15 knots of wind. Although the evening watch was slightly more eventful
than any of us would have liked. The kamikaze container ship was my
favorite. It seemed no matter what, those guys wanted to cause an
accident. We even tried shining the searchlight at the
bridge but it seems Stevie Wonder was on watch. Once we were through
the TSS, the general consensus was that it was going to be a nice easy
morning. Not a chance! It seems that our welcoming commitee, which
consisted of the entire Portuguese fishing fleet, were in full force and also
seemed to have a death wish. Never a dull day.
Anyways, at the moment we can see
the Portuguese coastline and its shaping up to be a nice warm
day. If the wind keeps doing its thing, we expect to be
in Gibraltar mid afternoon tomorrow.
Until then.