
Fri 28 Jun 2019 11:23
1211 BST 60 NM (still) to go to Lizard

You couldn’t make it up! After days of headwinds and a gale, we are now becalmed in the SW approaches just south off the Isles of Scilly. I think I made wrong call earlier although presumably Sea Horse is becalmed too and drifting near the eastern TSS. Anyway, we can’t change the past. Such a shame that after 10 days of intense racing we’ve ended up wallowing about; who knows what this will do to the race positions: Milou is not a good boat in light winds. As we were coming south I saw our old friend SHUNA again and I think she must be drifting a couple of miles away.

Thanks to Lani and Ellene for the text updates. It’s just as well Lani told us that Saphir had retired because we saw her around 30 minutes ago doing 5 knots on AIS and might have wondered where she found her wind! We’re curious as to who has arrived in Falmouth, especially if one of our main competitors Ophen Maverick has arrived. We’re also wondering if Rick and Neil arrived yet on eXhibitionist?

Just made a couple of hot drinks and some Portuguese supermarket ham and cheese toasties; feels better after eating something.

One thing we have to do without now is the toilet! When Mark woke up a few hours ago he noticed it was being held in place by only the pipes. It turns out that the wooden box it sits on (assembled and installed at great expense by the Royston Vasey of marinas: KILMELFORD YACHT HAVEN) was only stuck to deck; not a single screw or bolt! I’ll be busy in Falmouth getting ready for the family cruise. The toilet is now lashed in place.

So no chance of Falmouth tonight, we’re hoping the wind comes soon.