We tied the knot
Pearl of Persia
Andrew Lock
Thu 3 Apr 2014 10:13
It's always surprising to leave a calm and secure anchorage and find, away
from the protection, the wind and waves undiminished. The lee of the island
had kept the sea calm but the 18 mile gap between the two islands was open
to the full Atlantic swell. The boat rolled and rocked its way north,
leaving Dominica behind and we could already see the Isles Des Saintes in
the haze.
After leaving Antigua in January 2013, we had sailed south for a day to
anchor in Les Saintes before turning west towards Colombia and this track
was still marked on our charts. We were now sailing towards that same
anchorage from the other direction and as we got closer I could feel myself
become tense. At 17:50 we crossed our old track and 'tied the knot'. We had
sailed around the world. It was an emotional moment. Sussanne cried, I
almost did.