Crossing the South Atlantic to Brazil Day 3

Pearl of Persia
Andrew Lock
Thu 16 Jan 2014 07:17
the city making a spectacular backdrop as we motored under the raised
bascule bridges and out into the bay. It almost felt a festival atmosphere
as the bridge lifted for us to pass, hundreds of tourists waiting each side,
waving and taking photos as we went through. Someone yelled down from the
dock side 'where are you going' no doubt not expecting a reply of 'Brazil'.
Even the playful seals came alongside to bid us farewell, swimming alongside
the boat, waving with their flippers as we left the harbour.
Good winds for the first 20 hours saw us racing along at full speed but then
things died and it's been slow progress since then. It is going to take us a
little longer to get into proper passage mode after such a long break.