Day 6 To Salvador
Pearl of Persia
Andrew Lock
Sat 1 Feb 2014 17:18
The cruising chute did well all night and we managed to put some miles under
our belts, but by 6:00am the wind had all but died, so the engine came on
and we moved slightly faster along the water. We did have a squall that
stayed with us for an hour providing us with some excellent wind which meant
we pulled the sails out and used the power of nature to propel us onwards.
However that was short lived and ever since then we have had to endure the
sound of the engine which is not the most soothing. The reality of things
is that if the wind does not appear, we do not have the luxury of running
the engine until we get to Brazil as the fuel will not last that long. So
it's a game of working out when to run the engine and when to just wallow in
no wind and progress very slowly. We still have over 1000 miles to go so
it's going to be a long voyage.