In the 'Cage'

Pearl of Persia
Andrew Lock
Wed 15 May 2013 21:50
We are sitting at anchor at Avea Bay, at the south end of Huahine Island,
130 miles from Tahiti. There is a constant rumble in the air. Half a mile
away immense waves, after travelling 3000 miles of open ocean, are crashing
onto the reef towards us, sending spumes of spray high into the air. We are
in the lagoon, protected from the waves by the surrounding reef. The water
is dead flat. It feels almost eerie, as if we were inside a cage, with wild
animals trying to attack us, and us safe on the inside, knowing that in just
one moment, in those waves, and the boat would be pounded to matchsticks.
Photos show Sussanne relaxing and Andrew 'navigating'