Viveiro Marina

The Voyages of Richard and Amanda
Mon 7 Jun 2010 16:40
POS: 43:40.11N 007:35.68W
Had a good sail from Cedeira to Viveiro got to the
marina here about 5.30pm. Helped to moor by an ex-pat Andrew who filled us
in on the marina, which has gone into administration. Apparently berthing would
be OK and water and electricity are available, but no other services. Louis the
Port Capitan should be around by the marina office, but would not be able to
take our money. Not a problem we said !!
A bit later on went to find Louis, who wasn't
around and the office was shut, so at least we tried. We should have left it at
that, but speaking to a Spanish man who looked if he was about to put up some
weather forecasts he said It is not possible to stay in the marina and we would
have to leave. Eventually after a bit of pleading we think he said we
could stay one night, so we will until we are kicked out. The forecast for
tomorrow isn't looking too brilliant so if I had my way I would probably stay
tomorrow as well. Perhaps we shall just try and stay inconspicuous.
Next stop after this will be Ribedeao, hopefully
with a marina that works.. Altogther we have about 150 miles to go to Santander
which we will try to do by the 14th June, then we have a 180mile crossing to
Royan on the River Gironde in France. At least we know a bit more French than we
do Spanish.