Leaving Apataki

Bill and Caroline
Sun 11 Aug 2013 17:07
The tractor and chariot or hydraulic lift waits as we navigate between bomies on either side of the boat. A careful alignment of lifting pads and at last Juffa is hauled out onto the boat yard for some TLC after the long wait. Long days while work progresses after discussion, deliberation and knowledgeable intervention, and some evenings escaping to the sanctuary of other boats before sleep. The mosquito protection proves remarkably robust with DEET, attractive net curtains, mosquito coils and only an intermittently need for after bite care. Gavin the Gecko was expected to make a bid for freedom at first opportunity but was noticed plump and still on board after our return to water five days later - unfortunately however, minus his tail.







A last minute arrangement and friends from Oz fly out to experience the village ambience overnight - generator buzzing by the wharf, early morning fishermen laughing as a huge dog tooth tuna is caught in the pass, black strings of nursery nets hung in piles from buildings and palms for black pearl oysters and the careful nurturing of young coconut palms which will provide future crops of coconut and copra in the village.





Finally leaving Apataki after eight and a half long weeks setting sail for Tahiti …