Galapagos days
Bill and Caroline
Mon 18 Mar 2013 20:45
While the islands grow as much of the fruit and vegetables they can, they rely on regular shipments from mainland Ecuador with container ships delivering supplies of just about everything. Washing machines and onions, gas and wheel barrows, bottled water and fishing line. Empty beer bottles are returned to the supply ship, along with a car... Stores in the town burst with boxes and goods spill out onto pavements. Coke or lemonade is still an endangered item but this is helpfully reducing the consumption of rum on some boats. Hot sunny days provide great snorkelling times and huge turtles swim with us in the surf as they graze on the seagrass growing close to shore. The fish cluster around them, eating the particles of food disturbed by the turtles. Iguanas and crabs lie along the rocks at high tide. The finches made famous by Darwin show little fear and hop around the cacti near us. The Interpretation Centre, San Cristobal, shows the history of the volcanic Galapagos Islands have had a variety of influxes of people, from Norweigans expanding the fish canning business to Ecuadorian prisoners incarcerated under extreme conditions. The flora and fauna found here are mainly related to those on the west coast of the americas and able to survive on flotsam in the currents until washed up on land. It was interesting that the Interpretation Centre gives the future aim of the islands as encouraging sustainable tourism through far less people visiting who pay far more money (not sure this will be cruisers?). Sunny days are great for the boat batteries, and then we can make water. Cloudy days however are fairly normal at the moment as it's the rainy season and after 3 days of cloud and no wind our water making comes to a grinding halt. Not a good thing if you are boat with a man in need of lots of showering opportunities… Friends on board Irie ask the Tourist Information when we can expect water, how much and for how long… fortunately the Tourist Information Officer was right and the predicted 2 days of virtually non-stop rain fell while we scrubbed the decks, filled the tanks and showered in the refreshing(ly cold) rain water. Needless to say we are still pursuing the perfect sea lion prevention systems….. |