Bars in Oz
Bill and Caroline
Mon 9 Dec 2013 03:29
We now have a new blog address which you can find on:
We will soon be discontinuing this mailasail blog.
Bars are a new topic of conversation. This of course is not the bar that you anticipate frequenting - these are the bars that you watch from a distance, talk about at length with anyone local, read up about and contact the Marine Rescue Service (volunteer coastguards in Oz) for the latest information on - these are the infamous sand bars of the coast of New South Wales. The Bureau for Meteorology, Australia (or BOM as we now affectionately call it) gives advice along the lines of 'coastal activities may be hazardous', extreme caution should be exercised when crossing bar or helpfully ... seek local knowledge - just the kind of reassuring information you need when entering somewhere for the first time. Please check out the photos although bear in mind they never reflect the scale or perspective from on board. And yes, we did take off (just a little) as we 'sailed' over the breakers.
Once the bar has been braved, the tranquillity behind it with lagoons, fast flowing rivers, pelicans galore, cicadas seranading and access to all sorts of local amenities is worth it. Where else could you tie up alongside the town jetty and be reminded of your sewage disposal techniques so eloquently - 'nobody likes a floater - be a good boater', or have access to free water, showers and endless gambling facilities at the local United Serviceman's Club 100m away. Again the welcome has been amazing with a car trip up to the local viewing platform, with views for 80 miles back to Coffs Harbour when visibility is good.