McCavity the Secret Cat 36:07.40N 007:16.93W

The Return of Irene III - 2018
Louis Goor
Tue 12 Jun 2018 06:24

Tuesday 12 June 2018 (Johnny Frey, Locumed in the Pub)

Over the past number of weeks, the crew and I have been banging-on about our
voyages across the seas. You have heard of our trials and tribulations, our
personal highs and lows. What we feel, eat and talk about. There's not much
else to say that collectively we haven't already communicated. Except one
key element.

That is Eddie Tingle our "shore Crew". The understated crew member who
"Doesn't Get Wet", ET or Echo Tango whatever we call him, he's always there.
The unseen companion of our voyages. Some would liken Eddie to "Charlie and
his Angels". That may be a drink too far?

A few years back, Eddie, Louis, Enda (Cullinane) and I, together completed
our training for RYA Offshore Sailing Masters Course. We would meet-up in
the black, winter evenings at INSS in Dun Laoghaire, managed and run by the
energetic Kenny Rumble and family. We began each evening eating one of
Kenny's mother's wonderful dinner creations, followed by the most decadent
brownies (they have to be mentioned)! Once satisfied, we would all get down
to wearing Kenny's tolerance into the ground. (I think he lost the will to
live after his stint with us and considered a vocation on the priesthood)!
There wasn't an evening that we didn't laugh, cajole and tease each other.
It was the perfect learning environment and I only wish others could share
in that same experience. I will always remember it for its pure enjoyment
while providing each of us with all the prerequisite knowledge required to
attain our papers.

Outside of normal course tuition, Eddie Tingle would organise collective
home-study afternoons. Put four sailors into a room and see how they
progress? Again, we just laughed and laughed! Nevertheless, it was those
afternoons which were invaluable and proved extremely helpful to each of us,
ensuring our understanding of the intricacies of navigation, tides and

Eddie has probably completed more hours working on Irene III than most of
her sailing crew. He has been an invaluable support for our navigator;
deciphering GRIB files which direct us as to the best heading to take each
day, maximising our speed and minimising our distance. These files
incorporate complex weather patterns, pressure readings, ocean current
influences, forecast cloud and rain activities, all calculated into
algorithms which recognise Irene III's specific polar's (characteristics
such as best point of sail, canvas to be employed, speeds etc), I won't bore
you anymore, but suffice to say that it is brainy stuff and can hurt your
head if you try to understand it!

In addition to the above daily calculations, Eddie tracks our headway and
offers Irene III and her crew a shore-based security blanket by keeping a
vigilant eye on our progress and he ensures that we are still afloat each
morning! Eddie is our "screamer" if things go wrong! Send out the navy, air
force, coast guard, the girl guides, whatever. Eddie will be on the phone.
To sailors hundreds of miles from anywhere, it is very reassuring that
someone is keeping a watchful eye on your welfare. That is why we sometimes
call him "MUM".

Apart from the important responsibilities listed above, Eddie is our
news-feed. Supplying daily topical news headlines and rugby score, with at
times his own slightly "partisan" opinion. And these sentiments coming from
a Cork Man can often be very dubious, if not suspect? These snippets of
global news are read out to the crew over dinner and discussed or argued at
length. It is an important phycological link to the rest of the world.

For all the time, Eddie has put into our sailing enjoyment, our safety and
our efficient progress across the oceans we are truly indebted. Grateful to
his enduring wife Jodie and his wonderful daughters Jodie Jane and Sally
Anne for allowing him to provide his valuable time into Irene III and her
travels. We are truly, truly appreciative.

Cheers Johnny