More Squalls! 36:26.66N 57:11.64W

The Return of Irene III - 2018
Louis Goor
Sat 26 May 2018 15:35
More Squalls!
The winds built and the cloud cover increased yesterday afternoon as we
continued northeast under sail with the boat speed touching over 10 knots at
times. A succession of heavy rain squalls were encountered accompanied by
gusts up to 42kts and occasionally by thunder and lightning. The rain was
torrential but thanks to the newly water-proofed bimini cover, those on deck
remained largely managed to stay dry. We have travelled approximately 150
nautical miles in past 24 hours and are now some 1500 nautical miles from
Ponta Delgado on the Azorean island of Sao Miguel.
Dinner last night was Balinese Meat balls with Ceylonese sauce accompanied
by boiled brown rice - sufficient to say that the lot was demolished by a
hungry crew - again the highlight of the day.
We continued under sail throughout the night in 20kt winds, however as the
morning progressed, the winds died down, and the skies cleared,for a
beautiful sunny but cool day. Our thoughts turn to home and the referendum
taking place at home. The crew vote was 100% in favour or repeal and we
feel confident that the people of Ireland will fell very much the same.