Slow progress! 36:07.07N 51:24.61W

The Return of Irene III - 2018
Louis Goor
Tue 29 May 2018 12:23
Slow Progress
We have slowed down significantly in the past 24 hours. With no wind at
all, we motored through yesterday afternoon and evening before turning the
engine off to sail at 1am this morning and over the past twelve hours, we
have closed on our destination by just 50 nautical miles. Happily the
weather has been very pleasant and the sea state fairly flat.
Last night we enjoyed tuna steaks for dinner with a crunchy salad and
sticky rice accompanied by a choice of hoisin, teriyaki and sweet chili
sauces - Excellent! Thank you Tony for catching the fish and cooking it so
At 12noon, with our destination now directly downwind, skipper John decided
on a goose-wing rig with the main out to starboard steadied by a restrainer
and the genoa out to port held in place by the spinnaker pole. The result
was that in mild 10 knot winds, we were making 5 knots directly towards our
With regard to the crew, while the skipper and the commodore (Tom), continue
to shave the rest of the crew are getting hairier by the day with facial
features progressively disappearing behind grey fluff! All on board remain
fit, healthy and well-nourished with all signs of motion sickness having