Crisis after Crisis!!!! 37:58.88N 34:23.89W

The Return of Irene III - 2018
Louis Goor
Fri 1 Jun 2018 20:10
Crisis after Crisis
Since noon yesterday we have closed on Ponta Delgado by some 200 nautical
miles and are now 420 nautical miles away. This means we should make it
there by sometime on Monday 4th June after thirteen days at sea. This has
not been the smoothest of passages as in sailing parlance, we have been
enjoying the 'high seas'. That is the term for the sea state when it gets
rougher than 'very rough'. You will be happy to hear our surfing skills have
improved no end, with speeds in excess of 14kts being achieved in gusts of
up to 40 kts..Wind and sea conditions, while invigorating on deck, make life
below deck difficult even for simple tasks like getting out of bed and
getting dressed. Our 'younger' crew members Sean and Johnny continue to
carry out the tricky foredeck work with great aplomb.
Now to the latest crisis!!!!
We started in Hamilton with the 'Charger' crisis which is now largely
forgotten as we routinely run the main engine to recharge the batteries.
This was surplanted by the great 'Fuel' crisis,.wherer the concern was that
we would run out of fuel before reaching the Azores. Estimates of
consumption proved to be 50% greater than what was actually consumed. We
have also spent the last number of days sailing so concern has evaporated.
The latest crisis the 'Great Gas' crisis concerns our stomachs and is as a
result really serious. We set out from Hamilton with three full cylinders
of gas which should we are told last one week each yet after just eight days
we were down to the last one. Tea production and other non-essential cooking
activities have been curtailed in the hope that we can continue to enjoy a
comforting hot meal at least once a day!!!!!
Life is good!